Across Ages - Educator in Residence

Education and Programming

In 2020, the Textile Museum of Canada facilitated their Creative in Residence series. Funded through an Ontario Trillium Seed Grant, this residency series invited three creative professionals to develop proposed experimental programming and exhibitions. I was selected as the Educator in Residence, the first position of its kind in Canada. During my residency, I developed and facilitated three programs, with significant adaptations due to COVID-19 protocols.

Across Ages was envisioned as a program to bring children and seniors together through the textile arts. Over the program, participants would pair up to bring a drawing to life through sewing, embroidery, beading and more techniques. The resulting creations would be exhibited at the Textile Museum of Canada.

Due to COVID-19, the program was redesigned to work with curbside pickup. Participants would pick up their part of the package with instructions, complete the work and write a letter to their project partner. After they brought back their work, it would be handed off to their partner. This was launched in partnership with Art Heart. Sadly due to further lockdown measures, the program had to be suspended. However, I intend to relaunch this program in the future.


Curiously Crafting - Educator in Residence


Terrific Textiles Talk - Educator in Residence